Sprint checklist


Focus on users and customers & reorient when requirements and people’s minds change.

Sprint process

The team defines what tasks each sprint collects & assigns to be completed by a deadline.

  • Project task list ➔ Plan sprint ➔ Sprint task list ➔ Design & dev ➔ Sprint review ↫

Issue labels

Use GitHub Issue labels to help categorize and understand all the tasks—every Issue must be labeled.

  • “blocked”: yellow; “bug”: red; “content”: purple; “design”: blue; “dev”: dark blue; “enhancement”: green; “product”: dark green

Development process

The master branch is always pristine—commit only to feature branches then merge with a pull request.

Plan sprint

At the start of each sprint setup, plan & assign all the work to be completed by the set deadline.

Milestone & deadline

Project board

Create Issues

Sprint review


Cleanup leftovers in preparation for the next sprint.


Complete a small critique, review and reflection of your work during the sprint.