Marking up a webpage

Video playlist walking you through writing the semantics for a small business webpage.

Referenced lessons

This website combines together all the knowledge and skill from the following lessons.

  1. HTML semantics
  2. HTML indentation

Video list

  1. Marking up a webpage: Boilerplate
  2. Marking up a webpage: Masthead
  3. Marking up a webpage: Banner & intro
  4. Marking up a webpage: Products section
  5. Marking up a webpage: Recipes section
  6. Marking up a webpage: Footer
  7. Marking up a webpage: Recipe page
  8. Marking up a webpage: Recipe header
  9. Marking up a webpage: Recipe details
  10. Marking up a webpage: Recipe nutritional info
  11. Marking up a webpage: Recipe ingredients
  12. Marking up a webpage: Recipe directions
  13. Marking up a webpage: Recipe comments