Launch your portfolio

Look at how to launch your portfolio on your domain to replace the coming soon page.

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Launch your portfolio

Enable portfolio

  1. Go to Netlify & sign in
  2. Select your portfolio website
  3. Press “Domain settings”
  4. Press the “Add custom domain” button
  5. Type your domain into the box
  6. Pop over to Cloudflare & sign in
  7. Find the CNAME record that points to GitHub
  8. Replace the GitHub URL with your Netlify URL
  9. Add a new CNAME: www pointing to your Netlify URL
  10. Make sure the Cloudflare orange clouds are greyed out

Disable coming soon

  1. Go to
  2. Go to your “coming soon” repo’s “Settings”
  3. Scroll down to “Custom domain” under “GitHub Pages”
  4. Delete the domain & save

Launch your portfolio

Look at how to launch your portfolio on your domain to replace the coming soon page.