Great 404 pages

An overview of what makes a great 404 page and some amazing examples.

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Great 404 pages

What’s a 404

404 is a technical error message from HTTP

Error code 404 means: “Not found”

404 error pages are a last resort—your user should, ideally, never see it

Other HTTP status codes

200 — “OK”, page is found and sent

301 — “Moved permanently”, you’re getting redirected to another URL

401 — “Unauthorized”, page is password protected

500 — “Internal server error”, the server ran into a problem

Great 404 pages are…

Helpful — Explain to the user what happened, how to solve it, hints at where to go

Fast — Don’t make the user wait for the 404 page to load, they already can’t get what they want

Fun — Getting a 404 sucks, have some personality and fun for the user

Some great 404 pages

Videos & tutorials


Great 404 pages

An overview of what makes a great 404 page and some amazing examples.