Smooth scrolling navigation

Watch a video that explains how to use smooth scrolling then implement it on a pre-made website navigation.

Fork & clone

Start the lesson by forking and cloning the jquery-smooth-scrolling-navigation repository.

Fork & clone the “jquery-smooth-scrolling-navigation” repo.

The repository will have some starter files to get you on your way and include requirements for Markbot so you can be sure you’ve completed the lesson.

  1. Fork, clone & Markbot

    This includes some starter code that you can get by forking and cloning the repository. You’ll use Markbot to double check everything is done properly.

1 Using smooth scrolling

Watch this video on implementing smooth scrolling on a website.

2 Create a smooth scrolling navigation

Using the files in the forked & cloned repository, implement the necessary JavaScript to make it smooth scroll.

Make the navigation smooth scroll down the page to the appropriate sections.

Drop it into Markbot

Drop the final, coded exercise into Markbot and fix all the errors until Markbot gives you all green (and maybe a little yellow).

Be sure to keep the green check open to show the teacher!

  1. Can’t submit

    Markbot won’t let you submit this exercise because it’s getting checked by the teacher during class.